9 Windows (2002)
Large wire puppets, pillowy cotton figures, sculpted faces and hands, and even a large puppet horse all danced in 9 Windows, the dance/multimedia creation of Federico Restrepo. The piece, which offered nine windows into the immigrant's mind, was presented by La MaMa E.T.C. after its world premiere August 11 and 14 at the Spoletina 2002 Festival in Italy. This production was remounted in several festivals following the run at La MaMa, which are documented in the show file correspondence.
press release
press release
October 1 – 20, 2002
English, Spanish
Loco7 Theatre Company (producer), Federico Restrepo (author), Federico Restrepo (designer), Federico Restrepo (director), Federico Restrepo (choreographer), Martin Vejarano (music), Federico Restrepo (performer), Denise Greber (performer), Eugene The Poogene (performer), Stephanie Rafferty (performer), Federico Restrepo (lighting designer), Federico Restrepo (costumes), Denise Greber (costumes), Angela Nena Sierra (contributor), DJ Potter (tech)