Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great, The (2004)
Henry Fielding's the Tragedy of Tragedies: or, The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great (2004)
The Life and Death of Tom Thumb the Great was a new adaptation from Henry Fielding's 1730 burlesque comedy, which premiered at the Club after having been workshopped at NYU's Experimental Wing.
The itsy bitsy hero was played by a potato, and the actors wore wooden costumes with video cameras built in so they simultaneously filmed the play and directed the camera visuals. The 18th century play was "translated" by composer Brendan Connelly into a language that accentuates the natural percussiveness of English: for example, the h's and k's are emphasized and accompanied by an unfurling percussive musical line. Meanwhile, music was supplied both by offstage musicians and instruments played by the actors themselves.
press release
The itsy bitsy hero was played by a potato, and the actors wore wooden costumes with video cameras built in so they simultaneously filmed the play and directed the camera visuals. The 18th century play was "translated" by composer Brendan Connelly into a language that accentuates the natural percussiveness of English: for example, the h's and k's are emphasized and accompanied by an unfurling percussive musical line. Meanwhile, music was supplied both by offstage musicians and instruments played by the actors themselves.
press release
May 13 – 30, 2004
Theatre of a Two-Headed Calf (producer), Brooke O'Harra (director), Brendan Connelly (translator), Henry Fielding (playwright), Brendan Connelly (composer), Bilal Khan (contributor), Barb Lanciers (choreographer), Justin Townsend (lighting designer), Juliann Kroboth (costumes), Michael Phillips (stage manager), Rose Molina (contributor), Scott Riehs (stage manager), Miriam Sohn (costumes), Rie Ono (lighting designer), Sean Neil (contributor), Aubrey Sinn (tech), Cecile Evans (performer), Brian Bickerstaff (performer), Lauren Brown (performer), Tatiana Pavela (performer), Suli Holum (performer), Matthew Stadelmann (performer), Lula Graves (performer), Matt Schapiro (performer), David B. Gould (performer), Julianna Sanderson (performer), Mary Regan (performer), Matt Berger (performer), Matt Hough (music), Charlie Looker (music)