Julia Caesar (1974)
Alan Causey (playwright), Alan Causey (director), Gerald Bovenschen (director), Drew Murphy (producer), Nolan Drummond (designer), David Adams (designer), Charles Terrel (designer), Bernard Roth (designer), Marty Fuld (designer), Richard Demone (music), Danny Joel (music), Michael Arcesi (performer), Terry Baker (performer), Jeremy Brooks (performer), Eric Concklin (performer), Peter Davino (performer), Perrin Ferris (performer), Richard Flagg (performer), Larry Gilman (performer), Dan Joiner (performer), Richard Molicki (performer), Marshall Rosenblum (performer), Walker Stuart (performer), Michael Weiland (performer), Charles Whiteside (performer), Walter McCord (contributor), Jim Lowe (contributor), Cecil Kimberly (contributor), Margo LaZaro (contributor), Baby Ray (contributor), Ellen Given (music), Steve Cavanaugh (music), David Westover (contributor), Jerry Kean (documenter), Richard Molicki (tech), Jim Dolan (tech), Kenneth Daniels (contributor), Gerald Bovenschen (contributor), Susan Falk (contributor), Cheryl Sue Dolby (press), Sandra Manley (press), The Merlin Group (press), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), Rockefeller Foundation (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Shubert Foundation (contributor)