Expiration Date


The play is set in a casting session: a place where people are certainly not always not what they seem. A group of actors have been summoned; while waiting to audition, they are facing a camera on a tripod without anyone behind it. Are they being filmed? Is it a new kind of audition? Is the director running a little late, or are they waiting for their own "Godot"?

The actors begin speaking, sometimes speak directly into the camera, and share real experiences from various parts of the world. Their testimonies illuminate essential questions about loneliness and diaspora: are we at home, or are we strangers in a strange land? Are we living at war, or just in a media experience? Above all, when will our time run out? They feel like milk cartons with an expiration date, and explore whether it is their backgrounds, life experiences or social standing which perpetuate this feeling.

