Exile in Jerusalem (1998)
The New York premiere, presented by La MaMa, coincides with the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel. Set design is by Yigi Ozeri and Michal Barzily Gissin; the minimalist set will employ a score of suitcases to emphasize the emigré lifestyle and will be surrounded by a painted rendering of Jerusalem by Ozeri. The production is presented by La MaMa E.T.C. with support from the Israel Office of Cultural Affairs in the USA, Consulate General of Israel in Nwe York, and Goethe House, NY.
May 7 – 17, 1998
Motti Lerner (author), Hillel Halkin (translator), Victor Attar (director), Geula Jeffet-Attar (director), Tina Shepard (performer), Victor Attar (performer), Tim Schellenbaum (music), Yigal Ozeri (set design), Michal Barzily-Gissin (contributor), Rafi Ben Yehuda (contributor), Tzili Charnie (costumes), Tova Aviram (contributor), Bo Mark (set design), Yael Sharon (stage manager), Naama Greenfield (contributor), Ofrit Peres (contributor), Ilana Tzukerman (contributor), Michael Taub (contributor), Chiara Nath (contributor), Hagay Nuchi (contributor), Elisha Nuchi (contributor), Smadar Meged-Nuchi (designer), Eric Torres (tech), Natan Nuchi (contributor)