Three Classics (1995)


"The Golden Bird" "La Dispute" "Love, the Greatest Enchantment" (1995), 3 Classics (1995)
Forty-five actors, in the course of one evening, performed classic plays of Italian, French and Spanish theater, all variations on the theme of love. Andrei Serban returned to La MaMa to stage these three classics in repertory, "Love, the Greatest Enchantment" by Calderon de la Barca, translated by Kathy Ciric and Devorah Herbert, "The Golden Bird" by Carlo Gozzi, translated by Albert Bermel and "La Dispute" by Pierre de Marivaux, translated by Timberlake Wertenbaker. Produced with the Oscar Hammerstein II Center for Theater Studies at Columbia University.

press release
October 12 – 22, 1995
English, Spanish
Carlo Gozzi (author), Pierre de Marivaux (author), Calderon de la Barca (author), Andrei Serban (director), Bill Ruyle (music), Chris Wertenbaker (music), Dolphi Wertenbaker (choreographer), Julia Van Vliet (costumes), Theresa Squire (costumes), Penelope Wish (costumes), Kathy Ciric (stage manager), Devorah Herbert (contributor), Albert Bermel (contributor), Timberlake Wertenbaker (contributor), Gail Lerner (contributor), Colin Campbell (contributor), Adam Melnick (contributor), Joshua Tarjan (contributor), Kathy Ciric (contributor), Hyoungtaek Limb (contributor), Darko Tresnjak (contributor), Ivan Talijancic (contributor), Gregor Paslawsky (contributor), Jun Maeda (contributor), David Adams (contributor), Mark Tambella (contributor), Isabelle Anderson (contributor), Rick Gray (performer), Richard Hlatki (performer), Kimberly Howard (performer), Kim Ima (performer), Daniel Katz (performer), Lee Lewis (performer), Julia Martin (performer), Laura Meshell (performer), Rita Pietropinto (performer), Christopher Roberts (performer), Danny Strauss (performer), Bradford Telford (performer), Jennifer Ward (performer), Adam Melnick (performer), Andrew Garman (performer), Anson Mount (performer), David Wilson (performer), Gabriel Rafael Portuondo (performer), Jimmie Woody (performer), Crispin Freeman (performer), Heather Simms (performer), Darko Tresniak (performer), Richard Cavan (performer), Joshua Tarjan (performer), Monica Benton (performer), Jennifer Plante (performer), Elizabeth Mutton (performer), Erika Iverson (performer), Angela Fie (performer), Amy Brienes (performer), Shaheen Chamarbagwala (performer), Raymond Brahmi (performer), Mia Yoo (performer), Anna Wilson (performer), Hope Salas (performer), Hyoungtaek Limb (performer), Colin Campbell (performer), Peter Campbell (performer), Ivan Talijancic (performer), George Drance (performer), William Asher-Rosenfeld (performer), Holly Natwora (performer), Erika Latta (performer), Antony Serban (performer), Carlo Wertenbaker (performer), Nicolas Serban (performer), Lenna Wertenbaker (performer), Sharon Cinnamon (performer), Ashley Clayton (performer), Jeffrey Frace (performer), Monique Gaffney (performer), Rebecca Harris (performer), Rebecca Lowman (performer), Rachel Murdy (performer), Scott Nankivel (performer), Wendy Rich (performer), Gail Lerner (performer)
