X Train (1994)
In "X Train," a play by Harold Dean James, a subway trip explores such fantasies in juxtaposition to a middle-class Black man's immediate dark past, as he travels from Coney Island to Queens. The work was directed by Harold Dean James and featured his own videographic effects.
press release
press release
January 27 – February 13, 1994
Harold Dean James (author), Harold Dean James (director), Phil Sandstrom (lighting designer), Charles Golden (set design), Elizabeth H. Reeves (costumes), TC (costumes), Elizabeth H. Reeves (stage manager), Sarala Dee (contributor), Dennis Diamond (contributor), Ribert Lietar (contributor), Paul Albe (performer), Daniel Clymer (performer), Robin Cornett (performer), SHelley Crandall (performer), Martina Degnan (performer), Jesse N. Holmes (performer), Anthony O'Donoghue (performer), Harold D. James (performer), George Patterson (performer), Lee Pender (performer), Tom Steinbach (performer), Rachel Wineberg (performer)