Kenka (1994)
The American premiere of "Kenka" ("Consecration of Flowers)," was conceived and directed by Yukio Mikami, performed by Japanese Butoh dance group Torifune Butoh-sha, featuring Kayo Mikami. The evening took place in five scenes and seven dances.
press release
press release
November 10 – 13, 1994
Yukio Mikami (author), J.A. Seazer (music), Yoji Sazuki (lighting designer), Yoshio Kobayashi (set design), Masaru Soga (sound), Aya Kitagami (costumes), Daiei Majima (stage manager), Hiroko Karashima (contributor), Seijyo Yamauchi (contributor), Jun Maeda (contributor), Nobue Kobayashi (contributor), Shinichi Tagawa (contributor), Shinichiro Shoji (contributor), Kyoko Kujo (contributor), Mariko Sato (contributor), Kayo Mikami (performer), Taketeru Kudo (performer), Jun Wakahayashi (performer), Tatsuki Aoyama (performer)