Eileen Myles For President (1992)
"A rally in support of the write-in candidacy of Eileen Myles for President of the United States of America."
"To get info or to make a contribution to this campaign write: Eileen Myles, 86 E 3rd St., NYC 10003. For $8 you will receive a monthly letter & a campaign button, or be a volunteer."
"To get info or to make a contribution to this campaign write: Eileen Myles, 86 E 3rd St., NYC 10003. For $8 you will receive a monthly letter & a campaign button, or be a volunteer."
January 20, 1992
Mark Ameen (contributor), Dancenoise (contributor), Hapi Phace (contributor), Eliza Galaher (contributor), Tom Carey (contributor), Holly Hughes (contributor), Peggy Ahwesh (contributor), Jennifer Montgomery (contributor), Joe Westmoreland (contributor), Judith Alexa Jackson (contributor), Ishmael Houston-Jones (contributor), Reno (contributor), Homer Erotic (contributor), Debbie Karpel (contributor), Adrian Milton (contributor), Lori E. Seid (contributor), Jan Bell (contributor), Jeanette Anonymous (contributor)