Skin of the Night (1992)
Skin of the Night: Work of a Diseased Mind (1992)
Performed by "The School for Gargoyles", Koutoukas' acting workshop, to open the 1992-1993 season of La MaMa's Club. The original run was from October 8 - 17, 1992, but was extended until October 24, 1992.
October 8 – 17, 1992;October 8 – 24, 1992
H.M. Koutoukas (director), Deborah Braun (performer), Giselle Liberatore (performer), Stewart Gardner (performer), Maggie Low (performer), Ann Harris (performer), Robert Lanier (performer), Jean-Claude Vasseux (performer), Valerie Cutko (performer), Linda Yablonsky (performer), Agosto Machado (performer), Therese McIntyre (performer), Billy Lux (performer), Carol Tauser (costumes), Larry Barnes (set design), Howard Thies (lighting designer), School For Gargoyles (related to), Valerie Cutko (choreographer)