Diva Den (1989a)


Cabaret revue show created by Billy Swindler and produced at La MaMa Experimental Theater Club. Musical selections included original songs and standards. Songs performed as part of the show: "Smoke Rings" by E. Gifford, "Soap Song," by N. Cillis, L. Prince, and W. Swindler, "Under Lock and Key" by L. Prince, "From Where I Stand" by W. Swinder, "Lonely at the Top" by R. Newman, "My Best Friend" by N. Cillis, C. Erickson, and W. Swindler, "Live" by Marvin Gaye, "You've Changed" by C. Fisher and B. Carey, "I Want to Know" by Sugar Pie de Santo, "Cherche la Rose" by Rouzard and Salvador, "Chanson du Coeur Brise" by Vaucaine and Moya, "I Want the World" by W. Swindler and G. Haas, "Everybody's Out Tonight" by W. Swindler. 

January 19, 1989;January 20, 1989;January 21, 1989;January 26, 1989;January 27, 1989;January 28, 1989
