The Alien Comic's Christmas Show (1988)
Cabaret show presentes by La MaMa Experimental Theater Club, with Alien Comic performing "Phychedelic Christmas Eve," a performance by comedy trio House-o-Pork, with an intermission featuring Annie Hickman performing "Christmas Chameleon," followed by Alice Farley & Co. presenting the dance performance, "Anggrek, the human life of plants," and featuring Anahie Galantiem Clinton Smith, Sam Yip, Leslie Yudelson. A final set by Ethyl Eichelberger.
December 19, 1988
Tom Murrin (performer), Chuck Coggins (performer), Tom Huber (performer), Gayle Tufts (performer), Ethyl Eichelberger (performer), Alice Farley & Company (performer), Liz Dunn (director), Meryl Vladimer (producer), Howard Thies (lighting designer), Stephen Loebel (set design), Meryl Vladimer (set design)