Panic DJ (1987)
Related to a book published by VRI Theater Library: "Panic DJ: Performance Text (Poems, Raps, Songs)."
December 14, 1987
Bob Holman (performer), Vito Ricci (performer), John Mann (contributor), Tony Nunziata (performer), Meryl Vladimer (tech), Howard Thies (lighting designer), Nick Breeden (tech)
Hey, What'd I Say, The Birth of Panic DJ/Rock'N'Roll Mythology , I'd Rather Be Crazy Than Stupid (So How Come I'm Crazy For You?), Levitatin' in Levittown (Rock'n'Roll reRevival), Placebo, January, Poemas Nicaraguenses, Malvinas, SWEAT&SEX&POLITICS!, Cellular Phone, Pasta Mon, Meaning of Meaning, (Why Are All The People I) Love Crazy, The Impossible Rap, (Encore) Love Lake