The Corniest Show Downtown (1986)
March 21 – 23, 1986
Mike Braganza (director), FACE (producer), Ronald Joseph (producer), Bobsie Colon (tech), Thorston Reyes (tech), Lyn Jackson (sound), Rose Alcido Genciana (contributor), Sonya Baevsky Truesdale (contributor), PETAL (producer), Filipino-American Cultural Entertainers Society Of New York (producer), Alkiviades Steriopolos (music), Kimati Dinizulu & Company (performer), Bill Larkin (performer), Mark Andrew Steiner (performer), Lydia Severe (performer), Evelyn Nacionales (performer), Noel Balanzat (performer), Maria Mitchell (performer), Mike Braganza (performer), Bobsie Colon (performer), Thorston Reyes (performer), Yvonne David (performer)