Lost In A Flurry Of Cherries (1990)
Presented by the Tokyo Engeki Ensemble, the drama, directed by Tsunetoshi Hirowatari, a well-known avant-garde director and Brechtian theoretician, is a primal pas de deux based on a 1947 play by Ango Sakaguchi. The play was itself an adaptation of a medieval Japanese fable set in a mythical forest of cherry trees.
Ango Sakaguchi (playwright), Tsunetoshi Hirowatari (director), Tokyo Engeki Ensemble (performer), Shigeo Okajima (set design), Shinichiro Ikebe (music), Takashi Nishida (choreographer), Sadahiko Tachiki (lighting designer), Michiko Kitamura (costumes), Isao Tamura (sound), Kisetsu Mano (performer), Mitsuyoshi Yanagawa (performer), Yoko Fujikawa (performer), Setsuko Shimojo (performer), Midori Kinoshita (performer), Shizuku Iwao (performer), Yoko Hashimoto (performer), Makiko Muro (performer), Yoshie Maruoka (performer), Junko Miura (performer), Yoko Kagami (performer), Yoko Nemoto (performer)