Architect and the Emperor of Assyria, The (1986)
"The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria" was first performed at La MaMa in 1976. It was written by Fernando Arrabal and featured direction and music by Tom O'Horgan. The play is a variation on the tale of Robinson Crusoe and featured double-casting with two casts.
Additional objects related to this production include production photographs taken by Jerry Vezzuso [OBJ.1986.0043], a show program [OBJ.1986.0019], and promotional photos by Martha Swope [OBJ.1986.0016], in addition to other records.
A brief synopsis of the play: "In this production the two-character play has been cast with four actors, two of whom will portray the Architect and two the Emperor. The Architects and Emperors will perform on an interchangeable basis offering four possible combinations of casts."
Source: Martha Swope's Promotional Photographs: "The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria" (1986) [OBJ.1986.0016]
Additional objects related to this production include production photographs taken by Jerry Vezzuso [OBJ.1986.0043], a show program [OBJ.1986.0019], and promotional photos by Martha Swope [OBJ.1986.0016], in addition to other records.
A brief synopsis of the play: "In this production the two-character play has been cast with four actors, two of whom will portray the Architect and two the Emperor. The Architects and Emperors will perform on an interchangeable basis offering four possible combinations of casts."
Source: Martha Swope's Promotional Photographs: "The Architect and the Emperor of Assyria" (1986) [OBJ.1986.0016]
November 12 – December 21, 1986
Ray Contreras (performer), Alexi Mylonas (performer), Tom O'Horgan (director), Miles Mason (performer), Beverly Emmons (lighting designer), Bill Stabile (set design), David Adams (sound), Barbara Sexton (designer), Serge Gubelman (music), Watoku Ueno (tech), M A Whiteside (performer), Houstoun Demere (tech), Joseph Aulisi (costumes), Mary L Hayes (contributor), Elena Balduzzi (contributor), Philomena Marano (contributor), Marc Kehoe (contributor), Susan Haskins (contributor), Katy Orrick (tech), Beth Reeves (contributor), Adele Shank (contributor), Everard d'Harnoncourt (contributor), Jonathan Walker (performer)