Adventures Of Rhubarb: The Rock And Roll Rabbit, The (1985)
May 3, 1985
Chico Kasinoir (author), André De Shields (director), Puke Koryente (performer), John McMahon (performer), Steven Bland (performer), Ann Casapini (performer), Lynn Paynter (performer), J P Dougherty (performer), Janice Lorraine (performer), John McMahon (music), Michael Sabanosh (set design), Ronald Joseph (lighting designer), Jean-claude Robin (costumes), Mardi Philips (costumes), Meryl Vladimer (tech), Gary Logan (author), Richard Logan (author), Freida Williams (author), Suki Vazquez (designer), Marina Bender-Haight (designer), Merle Frimark (worked for), Peter Neptune (performer)