Fun City (1984)
May 24 – June 17, 1984
Creation Company (producer), Matthew Maguire (playwright), Matthew Maguire (director), Matthew Maguire (designer), Vito Ricci (music), Bob Holman (performer), Eric McGill (performer), Olivia Negron (performer), Ching Valdes-Aran (performer), Kenny Aaronson (performer), Rashied Ali (performer), Tony Nunziata (performer), Susan Mosakowski (performer), Amy Richards (lighting designer), Esther K Smith (costumes), Richard Curtis (designer), Tom Keever (designer), Katherine Turczan (designer), Jim Murray (designer), Robert Grillo (tech), Pat Smith (tech), Mike Cullum (tech), Johnny Held (tech), Andrew Wilson (tech), Coe Tezuka (tech), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Peg Santvoord Foundation (contributor), Beards Fund (contributor)