Soft Targets (1981)
March 6 – 29, 1981
The Talking Band (producer), Ben Maddow (playwright), Paul Zimet (director), Alice Eve Cohen (music), Ellen Maddow (music), Raymond Barry (performer), Alice Eve Cohen (performer), Juliet Glass (performer), Sybille Hayn (performer), Ellen Maddow (performer), Tina Shepard (performer), Arthur Strimling (performer), Jeremy Lebensohn (set design), Alan Adelman (lighting designer), Tim Buckley (costumes), Kate Schmitt (designer), Michael Canick (performer), Jack Weissberg (sound), Susana Tubert (tech), John Arthur Jewell (set design), Ken Tabachnick (lighting designer), Glenn Martin (designer), Jennifer Houlton (tech), Graham Paul (tech), Jerome Stiller (tech), Debbie Whitcomb (sound), Erol Tamerman (tech), David Adams (tech), Roberto Guidote (tech), Michael Hardy (tech), Emily Rubin (tech), Gary Samuels (tech), Mark Tambella (tech), Ken Tabachnick (tech), Chico (tech), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Peg Santvoord Foundation (contributor), Joan Zimet (contributor), Melvin Zimet (contributor)