Vulgar Lives (1979)
June 28, 1979
Rosalyn Drexler (author), John Vaccaro (director), Richard Weinstock (music), John Albano (director), June Ekman (choreographer), Bill Stabile (set design), Laura Rambaldi (lighting designer), Bernard Roth (costumes), Ada Janik (music), Steve Reed (tech), Joseph Pichette (performer), Nameer El-Kadi (performer), Madeline Leroux (performer), Tazewell Thompson (performer), Michael Arian (performer), Robin Karfo (performer), John Vaccaro (performer), Bill Ruyle (performer), Ada Janik (performer), Dan Block (performer), Pamela Reeves (tech), Charles Collum (tech), Randy Rollison (tech), Alan Lampel (tech), Charles Embry (tech), Carla Lawrence (tech), Michael Arian (designer), Naava Benyaacov Albano (contributor), Karen Styles (documenter), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), Ford Foundation (contributor), Peg Santvoord Foundation (contributor), Shubert Foundation (contributor), John-Michael Tebelak (contributor)