Miss Nefertiti Regrets
Miss Nefertiti Regrets (A musical in work), Miss Nefertiti Regrets: A Musical Fantasy Based on a Certain Egyptian Queen circa 100B.C.
"Miss Nefertiti Regrets," a musical about the queen of Egypt, was written by Tom Eyen and premiered at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in 1965. It might be best remembered for having featured Bette Midler in what appears to have been her New York stage debut: she was initially cast as “Naomi and Assorted Virgins” in the 1965 La MaMa production. But soon after the show opened, Eyen re-cast her as Nefertiti. One reviewer called the production “wild,” “swinging,” and “hilarious”: a “pure camp” take on “Queen Nefertiti’s true love for both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.”