Sounds in Motion (1976)
March 28 – 29, 1976
Dianne McIntyre (choreographer), Dianne McIntyre (performer), Dorian Williams (choreographer), Gwendolyn Nelson-Fleming (performer), Mickey Davidson (performer), Bernadine Jennings (performer), Lonnetta Gaines (performer), James Shorts (performer), Mary Lou Williams (music), Ronald McKay (performer), Eubie Blake (music), Noble Sissle (lyrics), Arthur Porter (lyrics), Leslie V Day (costumes), William Donald (performer), Kenneth McPherson (performer), Dianne McIntyre (director), Babafumi Akunyun (performer), Hank Johnson (performer), Sounds In Motion (performer), Sheila Barker (performer), Douglas Cameron (performer), Jacqueline Fletcher (performer), Marvin Foster (performer), Ernestine Hurt (performer), Mamie Johnson (performer), Alde Lewis Jr (performer), Cynthia West Robinson (performer), Madestine Thomas (performer), Sandra Ross (lighting designer), Gwendolyn Nelson-Fleming (costumes), Kenneth McPherson (costumes), Graham Brown (documenter), Johan Elbers (documenter), Steven Solder (documenter), Damon Wright (worked for), Lonnetta Gaines (worked for), Ford Foundation (contributor), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Shubert Foundation (contributor), Rockefeller Foundation (contributor), Peg Santvoord Foundation (contributor)