Lazarus (1975)
"A new production by Quog Music-Theater"; "a music drama of the early 12th and late 20th centuries".
Program and flyer for "Lazarus" (1975) [OBJ.1975.0079]
Program and flyer for "Lazarus" (1975) [OBJ.1975.0079]
April 24 – 27, 1975;May 1 – 4, 1975
Eric Salzman (author), Lee Nagrin (director), Sally Ann Parson (designer), James Meares (designer), Ronald Roxbury (performer), Keith King (performer), Jeanie Barnes (performer), Judith Hubbell (performer), Sabrina (performer), Al Alpert (performer), William Schimmel (performer), Eric Salzman (performer), Marty Kapell (lighting designer), Marty Kapell (tech), Mao Kerr (tech), Rockefeller Foundation (contributor), Ford Foundation (contributor), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Shubert Foundation (contributor), Andrew W Mellon Foundation (contributor), Quog Music Theater (contributor)