"Calm Down Mother" and "The Gloaming, Oh My Darling" (1974)
This production played at the YM-YWHA of Mid-Westchester from May 9-13, 1974 and then moved to La MaMa from May 21-23, 1974.
May 9 – 13, 1974;May 21 – 23, 1974
Megan Terry (playwright), Greg Antonacci (director), Belle Firdman (related to), Y La Mama Workshop (performer), Joy Baker (performer), Nancy Diaz (performer), Julianna Hand (performer), Margo McKee (performer), Nancy Shaev (performer), Julie Smath (performer), Vincent Gugleotti (sound), Scott Redman (tech), Greg Antonacci (choreographer), Joel Zwick (tech), Julie Smath (designer), Margo McKee (designer), Margo McKee (contributor), Jerry Mckee (contributor), Barbara Kopit (lighting designer), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), Rockefeller Foundation (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Shubert Foundation (contributor), Nancy Diaz (music)