Flukes (1973)
The Whale Show
June 6 – 10, 1973
Phoebe Wray (director), Catherine Cappiello (choreographer), Michael McGrinder (author), Arthur Blake (music), Carylton Barkley (performer), Catherine Cappiello (performer), David Clapp (performer), Bill Clayton (performer), Jeff Dighton (performer), Carla Dragoni (performer), Molly Harris (performer), Lisa Ingalls (performer), Ellen Lieblin (performer), Richard Meneely (performer), Douglas Moore (performer), Jeff Newbery (performer), Linda Petrucci (performer), Myra Quigley (performer), Carrie Sunderman (performer), Boston Conservatory Theatre (producer), Rockefeller Foundation (contributor), Ford Foundation (contributor), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor), Bonnie Fischman (tech), William Hanauer (lighting designer), Gail Compton (tech), Amy Koblenzer (tech), Carrie Sunderman (costumes), Arthur Blake (performer), Endangered Species Productions (producer)