Thoughts (1973)
January 26, 1973
Lamar Alford (playwright), Lamar Alford (music), Jan Mickens (director), Jan Mickens (choreographer), David Horowitz (contributor), Jose Tapia (contributor), Megan Terry (contributor), Carolyn Lord (contributor), Mary Alice (performer), Jean Andalman (performer), Martha Flowers (performer), Robin Lamont (performer), Baruk Levi (performer), Robert Molock (performer), Barbara Montgomery (performer), Jeffrey Mylett (performer), Howard Porter (performer), Sarah Allen (performer), E H Wright (performer), Michael Epstein (performer), Lamar Alford (performer), Ray Bertuglia (performer), John Schimmel (performer), Charles Terrel (set design), Joseph Thomas (costumes), Edward M Greenberg (lighting designer), Steve Whitson (lighting designer), Bradley Phillips (designer), Kenn Hill (tech), William Carey (tech), Barbara Pomeranz (tech), Rockefeller Foundation (contributor), Ford Foundation (contributor), New York State Council On The Arts (contributor), National Endowment For The Arts (contributor)