20th Anniversary Celebration
Special Event
1981 – 1982
Why Hanna's Skirt Won't Stay Down, Night Of The Assassins, The, Little Mother, Birdbath, Night Club, Shiro, Soon Jack November, Son Of Fricka, Rimers Of Eldritch, The, XXXXX, Godspell, Unseen Hand, The , Yossele Golem, Wielopole, Wielopole, Olympic Man Movement, No More Giants, Money, Voices Of Yellow Dust, Longmen Mountain
Why Hanna's Skirt Won't Stay Down (1981), "Little Mother" And "Birdbath" (1981), Night of the Assassins, The (1981), Night Club, or Bubi's Hide-Away (1981), Shiro (1981), Hurrah for the Bridge (1981), Soon Jack November (1981), Son of Fricka (1981), Rimers of Eldritch, The (1981), Motel (1981), Love Me Or I'll Kill You! (1981), XXXXX (1981), Godspell (1981), Unseen Hand, The (1981), Yossele Golem (1982), Wielopole, Wielopole (1982), Olympic Man Movement (1982), No More Giants (1982), Money: A Jazz Opera (fragments) (1982), Chen and Dancers (1982), Clara's Ole Man (1981)