Video Work: Documentation of "Adult Orgasm Escapes from the Zoo" (1989) and "Maria Estuardo" (1988)
Compilation of two video recordings of performances by Denise Stoklos: "Adult Orgasm Escapes from the Zoo" performed in Philadelphia in 1989 [Part 1], and "Maria Estuardo" (Mary Stuart) performed in Argentina in 1988 [Part 2].
Escape from Zoo, a solo performance written by Dario Fo and Franca Rame, translated into English and adapted by Estelle Parsons and performed by Denise Stoklos. This performance is made up of multiple smaller monologues offering different viewpoints on being women experiencing pleasure and the shame/guiltiness often associated with it.
"The Brazilian actress Denise Stoklos, in ''Mary Stuart,'' a one-woman show at La Mama, joins centuries of actors and writers who found the story of the Queen of Scottland who was beheaded over 400 years ago on February 8th,1587. Ms. Stoklos's evocation of the Queen -abetted by recorded music by composers ranging from Milton Nascimento to Villa-Lobos, Brahms, and Donizetti - is haunting, amusing and perplexing. Ms. Stoklos and Dacia Maraini, the Italian screenwriter and playwright who wrote the text of ''Mary Stuart,'' are more concerned with our perceptions of the Queen and our understanding of the perceptions of them by writers and composers than with the women themselves. And Ms. Stoklos's performance, partly spoken but primarily mimed, makes us question whether we perceive anything. "
This video has been digitized and is available for viewing upon request.
-- Laurie Stone, The Voice --D. J. R. Bruckner, ""The Stage: 'Mary Stuart'"""
Escape from Zoo, a solo performance written by Dario Fo and Franca Rame, translated into English and adapted by Estelle Parsons and performed by Denise Stoklos. This performance is made up of multiple smaller monologues offering different viewpoints on being women experiencing pleasure and the shame/guiltiness often associated with it.
"The Brazilian actress Denise Stoklos, in ''Mary Stuart,'' a one-woman show at La Mama, joins centuries of actors and writers who found the story of the Queen of Scottland who was beheaded over 400 years ago on February 8th,1587. Ms. Stoklos's evocation of the Queen -abetted by recorded music by composers ranging from Milton Nascimento to Villa-Lobos, Brahms, and Donizetti - is haunting, amusing and perplexing. Ms. Stoklos and Dacia Maraini, the Italian screenwriter and playwright who wrote the text of ''Mary Stuart,'' are more concerned with our perceptions of the Queen and our understanding of the perceptions of them by writers and composers than with the women themselves. And Ms. Stoklos's performance, partly spoken but primarily mimed, makes us question whether we perceive anything. "
This video has been digitized and is available for viewing upon request.
-- Laurie Stone, The Voice --D. J. R. Bruckner, ""The Stage: 'Mary Stuart'"""
Recording date: 1988
Recording date: 1989
Recording date: 1989
English, Portuguese
VHS, Mp4
Fuji VHS tape
1 VHS tape
1 digital file
1 digital file
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.
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