Show File: "Cosecha" and "Fresh Ruins" (1990)
This show file contains materials related to Federico Restrepo's "Cosecha" and Brilliant Epoch's "Fresh Ruins," produced together at La MaMa in 1990: promotional flyers (one of which has a happy birthday note to Ellen Stewart on the verso), press release, ticket lists from the box office, and a review and listing. Also included is Federico Restrepo's resume.
To view the program contained in this file see OBJ.1990.0062.
The box office ticket lists and the review and listing contained in this file are not digitized. Please contact the La MaMa Archives ( for information about how to access these materials.
To view the program contained in this file see OBJ.1990.0062.
The box office ticket lists and the review and listing contained in this file are not digitized. Please contact the La MaMa Archives ( for information about how to access these materials.
Date created: 1990
Promotional Materials, Press, Written Reviews
copy paper; newsprint
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