Show File: "Mary Stuart" (1987)
This show file includes materials related to Denise Stoklos' solo play "Mary Stuart," based on text by Dacia Maraini, and produced at La MaMa in 1987: promotional postcards, programs, press releases; a booklet in Portuguese about Denise Stoklos and "Mary Stuart"; a photograph caption; a brochure for the 1987 International Freiburger Theater Festival; a program for a "Mary Stuart" production at Salle Villa-Lobos; and promotional materials for the 1992 Tampere International Theatre Festival.
The Portuguese booklet, the Freiburger Theater brochure, the Tampere International Theatre Festival materials, and reviews and listings are not digitized. Please contact the La MaMa Archives ( for information about how to access these materials.
The Portuguese booklet, the Freiburger Theater brochure, the Tampere International Theatre Festival materials, and reviews and listings are not digitized. Please contact the La MaMa Archives ( for information about how to access these materials.
Date available: 1987
English, Portuguese, Italian, French, Finnish, Spanish, German
Promotional Materials
cardstock; copy paper; newsprint
Denise Stoklos (describes), Dacia Maraini (describes), Isla Jay (describes), Maurice McClelland (describes), New York Native (publisher), New York Times (publisher), D. J. R. Bruckner (author), Village Voice (publisher), Janice Paran (author), Il Progresso Italo-Americano (publisher), Mario Fratti (author), New York Newsday (publisher), New York Daily News (publisher), Miguel Perez (author)
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