Stephen Holt
Stephen's blog contains several essays about La MaMa personalities:
Audition!, Two Saints (film), Two Saints (film), Kitty Glitter Story, The, O My Rosey Dreams, A Hyacinth Coat And A Chartreuse Hat, Love, Oscar, Cold & Lazy & Elaine, The Blonde Leading The Blonde, Men, Reety In Hell, Bambi Levine, Please Shut Up
Elegy For A Down Queen (1972), Street Sounds (1970), Melodrama Play (1971), Audition! (1972), Audition! (1972), Audition! (1972), Films (1973), Films (1973), Human Equation, A (1985), Stephen Holt and the Boys (1983), O My Rosey Dreams (1983), Kitty Glitter Story, The (1974), Bambi Levine, Please Shut Up (1996)