Tina Shepard
Re-Arrangements (1979), Tourists And Refugees (1980), Soft Targets (1981), Tourists & Refugees No. 2 (1981), Trespassing (1982), Talking Band In "Gioconda & Si-Ya-U" And "Tristan & Isolt", The (1982), Hot Lunch Apostles (1983), Hot Lunch Apostles (1984), Pedro Paramo (1984), Pedro Paramo (1984), Talking Band In "Holding Patterns", The (1984), Talking Band In "Holding Patterns", The (1984), Big Mouth (1985), Talking Band In Concert, The (1983), Firmament (1995), Juice (1990), New Cities (1989), Rocky Bornstein & Co. (Double Your Pleasure and Labor of Love) (1989), Betty Suffer's Theory Of Relativity (1995), Major Barbara (2006), Belize (2005), Black Milk Quartet, The (1998), Exile in Jerusalem (1998), Painted Snake in a Painted Chair (2003), The Talking Band in: Tilt (1999), Bitterroot (2001), Imminence (2008), Mother, The (2003)