Open Theatre
Open Theater
Peter Feldman (is member of), Roy London (is member of), Bert Houle (is member of), Muriel Miguel (is member of), Barry Woloski (is member of), Shelly Feldman (has as member), Cynthia Harris (has as member)
Two Short Plays by Jean-Claude van Itallie (1965), Open Theatre's Evening Of Ensemble Improvisations (1965), Dream (1965), Soon Jack November (1966a), Magic Realists, The (1966), Trial Of Judith Malina And Julian Beck, The (1966), "Clown Play, The" And "Comings And Goings" (1966), Next Thing, The (1966), Viet Rock (1966b), Rimers Of Eldritch, The (1966), Trespassing (1982)